garden at night

This picture is a top view of a section of my lawn. The night lighting created an interesting green effect.

winter sky

This capture is about one of the varying moments of transition from night to morning. The sky is clear, cold and quiet. The Pinkish red color, with a hint of orange above it, at the horizon adds beauty to the scene.

This moody picture was captured, just before sunrise, from the high rise I live in Mumbai.

taj mahal hotel mumbai

Built in 1903, The Taj Mahal Palace hotel is an architectural marvel and brings together Moorish, Oriental and Florentine styles. Offering panoramic views of the Arabian Sea and the Gateway of India, the hotel is a gracious landmark of the city of Mumbai.

A night view of a section of the hotel captured from the seaside.

Dew drops shining in sunlight

It is morning dew. The droplets of dew hanging on the blades of the wet grass is beautiful. The morning sunlight on the crystal drops make them sparky. It is the loveliest hour of the day.

This picture was captured at Munnar, Kerala.

a cup of hot coffee

My friend Arun is enjoying a cup of hot coffee on a chilly winter morning at Munnar, Kerala. The steaming hot beverage made a perfect picture with the morning sunlight enhancing the scene.

Sun.. calling it a day

This was captured at Munnar, Kerala minutes before the sun hid behind the tea mountains. The red, the orange, the yellow, all add to the tranquility of the sunset. Its a work of art only God himself can make that reminds me that there is far more to life than routine. The sunset became more emotional and beautiful as the ball of fire died down.